Sunday 13 June 2010

Day 10 & 11

Day 10

Not much to write about today, I worked all day in one particular area and don't really feel like I made alot of progress, I'm sure I did but it was just filling work and so I done see what I have done.

There have been alot of visitors today which suprises me as it's been raining constantly and I would have thought that it would keep people in their homes, but as it's reasonably warm outside (not in here! I have my hat and gloves on again!) people are still happy to venture out.

My body really aches all over especially my back, it was probably from working balanced on the ladder all day yesterday!!!!

Day 11

I came in an hour early's damp, windy and wet and as I felt I made so little progress yesterday I thought I would take the opportunity to see what its like towork with the doors closed.
I have a lone pigeon inside I hope he/she finds a way out today! ok now I hear another bird, I don't know what it is as I am no authority on bird song... well at least it's singing!

.....strangely lonely without the soundscape!

11.00 Doors Open

Lots of visitors... one of my regular visitors came to see how I am progressing, nice to have a follower!
Two ladies came in and asked where are the paintings if this is an exhibition??
Two curious young boys on their bikes hesitated at the door and called out "What are you doing in there!" to which I replied "Come in and see!" In they came and proceeded to ask about everything; the works....the building...What's this?....What's that? and Where does that go? Wonderful curiousity!

1.30 It must be my busiest day so far!

2.55 The second roof pitch is on its way and the position for the second window is marked!

At least 35 visitors

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