Sunday 30 May 2010



3 days of installing, approximately 700metres of nylon thread tied and hung! Now to finish the work for Taidemuseo.

Friday 28 May 2010


Yesterday was the first day of installation.


Nerves have kicked in.....I'm just waiting for the Adrenaline rush!

Kalle will be coming to install his work today and Tuomas and Jukka will install tomorrow, this is exciting and nerve racking!

Pictures to follow!

Sunday 23 May 2010


One thing I have realised is that if I am going to keep this blog I need to write regularly, as it's all to easy to forget.

Last week I spent most of the time writing press releases, getting them checked for correct Finnish and then making the amendments. Trying to contact the press which seems to be difficult as so many people are on holiday.

I am happy to say that Riihimaki Art Museum has contacted me and would like to be involved in this project; this will entail me having an installation in the museum which will document the progress of the work, plus another small installation that will act as a show case for the work taking place in Voimala. I will be making the small installation this week and hopefully have some video documentation of the process.

On Thursday I spent nearly 2 hours in Voimala and a couple more at my home with Tuomas looking at and discussing the spaces were we will install our works, making a few changes to the original plans mainly owing to the dynamics of the space and how the works will be viewed at their best.

Kalle emailed me and we agreed he will be installing his work on Friday. This is all getting very close and I still feel that I have an awful lot to do.

Lets see how the week pans out.


Monday 17 May 2010


This morning I set up a facebook group and event.

Having lost working time last week owing to a dose of 'Spring Flu' my mind is spinning trying to remember all the things I need to get done or have done already.

Last Monday I met with Pia Aro from the Youth Theatre to finalise the plans for the workshop we will run as a collaborative project, poster and sign-up form is in place. Now we just wait to see if we get a courageous group to sign up!

Wednesday morning I met with Heikki Hannukkala from YIT to collect keys and over coffee we discussed the potentials of this fantastic space - Voimala!

In between all the above I had bouts of very frustrating flu exhaustion where the only thing I could do was rest in the hopes that the next day I would have more energy.


Tuesday 11 May 2010

Random Thoughts


Random Thoughts

As I head towards 2 new projects which will involve stepping out side my normal working comfort zone, I have been thinking a lot about the creative process as a means of understanding my own work and its processes......partly owing to the need to write up various projects for proposals and applications. The process seems to be about following an unknown path guided by intuition and a drive to keep the process going even though more often than not the outcome is not certain.

Uncertainty, as a description of the unknown, may result in a multitude of outcomes and it is in this in-between place of knowing and not knowing that often hides our greatest potential, if we are willing to step into that void.

"Between stimulas and responce there is a space. In that space lies our freedom and power to choose our responce............................."Paul Stoltz - Adversity Advantage

In normal everyday life we try to predict the uncertain aspects of a situation/problem in a desire to eliminate potential risks in order to push the outcome into a more desired direction, being by nature uncomfortable with things that we cannot control.

In creative processes the uncertainty stands for a more free and curious approach in the exploration of something new. The uncertainty stands as a vital force in the non-linear process of creating, a sort of awareness compass that will if allowed mark our direction.


Saturday 8 May 2010


On the 1st of June 2010 I shall begin the (actual hands on creative) work of a one month residency project which involves constructing an installation/space intervention in the old Paloheimo Oy power plant in Riihimäki.
I originally thought that I would begin this blog
on the 1st of June, documenting the projects process, progresson and developments but I realised that infact it might be interesting to start now and include some of the preparation work involved, without which, there would be no project.

At the beginning of this week I signed the contrct with YIT which is the company that now owns the old power plant. YIT is interested in raising public awareness of this
protected historical building and it's potiential as a possible future Cultural Centre, YIT is allowing me the use of the space on the condition that I have the doors open and invite the public in, it is exactly because of this that I am able to realise an art work that I have been thinking about for the last 2 years.

So the contrct is signed, insurance is in place.
I would like to say a big thank you to Sirpa Taulu of Ars-Häme for all her advice and help with this.
Next is to write contracts for 2 artists; Tuomas Laitinen and Kalle Mustonen who I have invited to exhibit their works juring my one month residency.

All for now........