Friday 2 July 2010

Days 18 & 19

Here I am cutting the threads to open the door during the Harjannostajaiset / Roof Raising Party, quickly followed by one very excited little person who thought it was just the bees-knees the run through the walls........ amazingly not damage done and only took a few moments to untangle the threads.

Day 18
Day before the party and I have been too busy to write much, working flat out and making calls and sending text messages to check and confirm that people can make it tomorrow.

Tuomas popped in briefly, he had just been visiting Lauri the old gentleman who was the machines master here at Voimala and will be appearing in Tuomas's film - to be shot in Voimala towards the end of July and then shown in Taidehalli, Helsinki at the end of August.

I thought that today was going to be quiet but the article in Aamuposti has made people curious....especially as the picture gives an idea as to what this Palapeli Talo (Jig-saw Puzzle House) is.

I forgot my camera today so no pictures today!

25 visitors

Day 19

I spent all of the morning correcting a mis-alignment over and around the door entrance.....took a while to find where the problem started and where it ended.

11.00 Problem solved and the door top is weighted ready for the strings to be cut and the door entrance opened this evening.
Now to continue with the filling.

Only 4 full working days left!!!!!!

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